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Guys!! So many exciting things going on! For one, I just officially started the process to create a whole new, more functional space here. I’ve been on the waiting list for about three months, but now we have officially started to take the initial steps. It’s going to be a long a process, but I think the new site should be up and running by December, just in time for the holidays – Merry Christmas to me!
Second, our hometown baseball team is in the playoffs!!! (Sorry there might be a lot of exclamation points in this post.) Now, this might not seem like big news to you, but for us Kansas Citians this is BIG EXCITING CRAZY UNBELIEVABLE news. You see, every single person in Kansas City is a true Royals fan. We haven’t really been all that good since we won the world series in 1985, a day I can’t even claim to remember since I wasn’t even born yet. But every.Single Year. Kansas City fans — even my generation — believe that we will win…. and then, we don’t. It’s been disappointing year after disappointing year, yet everyone still believes. And this year, it’s finally paid off.
Tuesday night marked one of the greatest games in the history of the Royals — we were down, people were crying, we were tied, people were laughing, there were extra innings,people were screaming, bases were stolen, people were jumping….we won.
That win officially put us into the playoffs, with our first game being last night where we squeaked out one more win. We have another game tonight in Anaheim, and then they’re back in KC for Sunday’s game. A game, Kevin and I are lucky enough to have tickets to. I can’t even begin to describe my own excitement, but Kevin’s excitement, well his is on a whole other level than mine; like can’t-stop-smiling-giddy-school-girl-jumping-up-and-down excited. Our tickets we initially bought for a very reasonable price, are now ten times what we paid for them, and Kevin hasn’t even thought about selling them. I, on the other hand….am tempted. Shhhhh….
I don’t know if we’ll win on Sunday. I don’t know if we’ll leave crying, with our hearts torn in pieces. Or if we’ll be high-fiving until our hands blister (this happened to Kevin during Tuesday’s game). But I do know that it will be something we will remember forever.
Of course, in a naturally celebratory style, we’re throwing a massive party/tailgate before the game. And by massive, I mean, us and one other couple. But! There will be grilling. Games. Music. Drinks. And loads of nervous excitement.
I haven’t completely decided what the menu will entail, but one things for sure…These skinny barbecue bacon chicken sliders will absolutely be a part of it.
As quite a few of my recipes are, this is a replication of my new favorite burger I had on my girls trip last weekend. A burger I absolutely destroyed…Piled high with an all-beef patty, melted swiss cheese, and then smothered in barbecue sauce and sour cream – a slightly odd, but perfect combination when a few beers deep. As if they couldn’t be decadent enough, I went ahead and added bacon…no regrets.
Of course, here, I lightened them up significantly by switching out the ground beef for ground chicken. Bacon for low-fat bacon. Sour cream for Greek yogurt. And an egg bun for a whole-wheat bun. The cheese was left alone.
Now, if you make these, and I really hope you do, will you please do it on Sunday, while cheering on my Royals?? Thankyouverymuch!

Skinny Barbecue Bacon Chicken Sliders
- 1 lb ground chicken breast
- 1 tsp kosher salt
- 1/2 cup + 1 heaping tablespoon barbecue sauce, divided
- 1/2 small onion, grated
- 2 large garlic cloves, grated
- pinch of freshly ground black pepper
- 6 sliced center-cut bacon
- 1/2 cup plain low-fat Greek yogurt
- 1 medium tomato, sliced
- 1/2 cup chopped romaine lettuce
- 3 slices swiss cheese, cut in half
- 6 whole-wheat slide buns
- In a bowl, combine all ingredients for chicken patties. Mix with hands until combined. Do not overmix. Slightly grease hands to prevent from sticking and form into six patties and place on a plate lined with parchment. Freeze for 5-10 minute to firm up. (The mixture will be very sticky)
- .In a large non-stick skillet, over a medium heat, cook burgers, about 4-5 minutes on each side. During the last couple minutes of cooking, add half a piece of cheese to each patty. Add 1 tablespoon of water to the pan, and cover with a lid until the cheese is melted and the burger is cooked through.
- Spread barbecue sauce on the bottom of each slider bun and top with tomato and lettuce. Place patty with cheese on top. Then spoon sour cream on top. Top with bacon
Shiran @ Pretty. Simple. Sweet. says
I’m glad to hear about all the exciting things that are going on in your life at the moment, especially about the new site! I’m so happy for you, and I’m sure it will be beautiful 🙂 These sliders by the way look so good that I can’t believe they’re skinny!
Nicole says
Thanks so much Shiran!!
Ashley says
haha well I hope you guys win on Sunday!! So much excitement! 🙂 I don’t really follow baseball so I’ll go ahead and send good vibes your way!! lol
And these sliders … whoa baby. I may need to come fly over to you and get my hands on one of these during your party!
Nicole says
Thanks love! We did!!!
Ashley@blondegirlcravings says
I love sliders! We are having different kinds of sliders for my daughters birthday this year. I think these would be a perfect addition!
Nicole says
Awesome!! Thanks Ashley!
Monet says
I don’t know much about baseball, but I do know that I want one of these sliders!
Nicole says
I’m with ya!!
Jess @ On Sugar Mountain says
I want to eat just about a hundred of these right now (bad idea to look around dinner time!). These sliders look awesome for football food! Pinned.
Thalia @ butter and brioche says
Totally could devour a couple of these sliders right now.. they look wickedly delicious!
Nicole says
Thank you Thalia!
Marla Meridith says
These sliders look fabulous!